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Teams - Thursday


Flat Dandy's

The Freshmen

Toe Curlers

Andy's Angels

Sheet Disturbers

Super Hero's

Sheet Faced

Off Constantly

We will rock you

League Guidelines

  • Games start promptly at 6:45 pm.

  • Each game is a maximum of 8 ends, unless the losing team decides to quit earlier.

  • League will play under the Curling Canada Rules

  • A game will end in a tie if the score is even at the completion of 8 ends.

  • At the end of each game, teams only need to record the winner and loser; scores are not required.

  • Points allocation: 2 points for a win, 0 points for a loss, and 1 point for a tie.

  • The winning team is responsible for sweeping the ice after the game.

  • This season is a 20-week league with no playoffs. The team in each league (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) with the most points will qualify for the "Club Championship" playdowns on Saturday, March 29.

    • If there is a tie atop the standings, tie breakers will be:​

      • W/L/T record between the teams​

      • ​A single draw to the button competition​

  • Each team is responsible for ensuring they have at least three players for their game each week, which can include their own team members or substitutes.

  • If a team needs to forfeit, they must inform the opposing team and email at least 24 hours before the scheduled game. This allows time to organize an exhibition game in place of the league match. The club ( will assist in coordinating the exhibition game.

  • Spares cannot play in the Skip position.

  • Teams can contact spares via the spare list (link to be provided) or by asking members of other teams.


Games start at 6:45pm sharp. Please be on the ice ready to play before this time. The club opens at 6:00 pm. 

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